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IFRS is continually changing and there are some significant changes that have recently been announced which will become effective in the next few years. This seminar will cover some of the most prominent emerging topics including, but not limited to, changes to lease accounting and revenue recognition which will affect the majority of organizations. Other topics may be covered as well as they materialize.
Topics covered
- Lease accounting
- Recognition of revenues
- Miscellaneous emerging topics in IFRS
Workshop format
This workshop is highly interactive. The participants will have a chance to apply new changes through attempting exercises and learn changes through doing. It is highly recommended that participants bring a calculator with them to obtain maximum benefit.
Who will benefit
The workshop will be beneficial for accountants who are preparing financial statements, senior executives who are evaluated on their financial results and users of financial statements, such as bankers and stock analysts, who will need to understand the impact of the changes on an organization.
Price: $649