CMA Canada represents leading strategic management accounting professionals who integrate accounting expertise with advanced management skills to achieve business success.
The Certified General Accountants Association of Canada is a self-regulating, professional association of 73,000 students and Certified General Accountants.
Toronto CFA Society is a not-for-profit organization supporting the professional development and advancement of CFA® charterholders. The Toronto Society membership is comprised of portfolio managers, investment analysts, corporate finance executives, academics, and other investment professionals who practice in a variety of fields, including investment counseling and management, banking, insurance, investment banking and brokerage firms, government agencies, regulators, and the financial media.
The Risk Management Association (RMA), is a not-for-profit, member-driven professional association, whose sole purpose is to advance the use of sound risk principles in the financial services industry. RMA promotes an enterprise approach to risk management that focuses on credit risk, market risk, and operational risk.
CCH Canadian Ltd. offers integrated solutions, including more than 100 tax law information and software solutions annually for accountants, lawyers, financial planners, government agencies and others who must understand and apply federal, provincial and international law. The unit also produces Canadian Accountants Suite, one of the most popular tax compliance and productivity software suites used by accountant professionals today.
PTC Accounting & Finance is a specialized niche staffing service for all levels of accounting and finance professionals. They provide top talent for short- and long-term contract positions, time bound project work and specialized accounting assignments with the most sought after organizations in the GTA and surrounding areas, including IFRS assignments.